In the context of Arcadia, Bouwurk will rise in 2025 on the Oldehoofsterkerkhof in Leeuwarden: an innovative building made of sustainable materials and creative building blocks. Part of Bouwurk is Tryater’s installation Lift Me Up.
In this audio installation you can listen to comforting stories from people from all over Fryslân. Stories that lift you up from earthly existence for a moment, because they are about a deep sense of connection. Take a seat (lying down) in the installation and let yourself be carried away by interviews, visual effects, music and poetic texts by Sytse Jansma.
Life can sometimes feel existentially lonely. Knowing that one day you will no longer be here and neither will the people around you, is an unpleasant certainty. What offers comfort and gives meaning to existence? The answer to that seems less and less simple, now that grand stories and religions are fading into the background in our society.
Location: Oldehoofsterkerkhof Leeuwarden
Period: June 15 to August 24, 2025
Opening hours: Tuesday, Wednesday and Sunday 10:00-18:00, Thursday to Saturday 14:00-22:00, closed on Mondays
Admission: free