We play over 235 shows a year for some 23.000 audience members
Tryater is the only multilingual theatre company in Fryslân and forms a part of the Basic National Cultural Infrastructure. We play all over Fryslân; in theatres, on ice rinks, in schools and in factories. Mainly in Frisian, the language with which Tryater is the multilingual theatre company in Fryslân and is part of the Basic National Cultural Infrastructure. We put on over 235 large and small-scale multilingual productions (at least in Frisian and Dutch) each year for some 23,000 children, youth and adults. Based in Leeuwarden but performing all over Friesland and beyond, you see us in theatres, villages, in schools and on location. We bring out new stories, that are close to the heart of our audience, drawing on all the experience we have gained since our founding in 1965 and on the inspiration and energy given by the young talent we work with.

Freonen van Tryater board
Jelle Terwal (chairman), Anneke de Vries (secretary), Jan Visser (treasurer), Gerda Geerts, Wytse Algra, Johannes Keekstra (advisory member)
Supervisory board
Fred Veenstra (chairman), Theo Andreae, Joana Duarte, Hildegard Draaijer, Relinde Vos, Hendrikus Venema
Tweespraak & Station Noord
Luna van Drunen, Caya Emmelkamp, Tim Helderman, Maaike Meindertsma, Ids Tjaarda, Eva Koopmans, Michelle Samba, Rachel Schuit, Tom Tieman
Finny Andringa, Frans Bakker, Tineke Bleeker, Tini Boelen-Brouwer, Aukje Bosch, Joukje Bosch, Anna Marjan Bosma, Agnes Bouma, Yt Bouma, Peter de Bruin, Aukje de Bruin, Epko Dalstra, Joop Dammers, Boukje Dijkman, Els Fongers, Margje van Gelder, Sip van Gelder, Marjan Groen, Geertje Heeg-Folkerts, Harold Hesselink, Dora Hettinga, Baukje Idzerda-Venema, Aleida de Jong, Tytsje Julianus, Jantsje Kalsbeek-Nauta, Syb ten Kate, Fedde Knol, Berend Lania, Grieteke Martens-de Jong, Martinus Meindertsma, Akke Miedema-Tjallema, Oekie van der Molen, Betty Sinnema, Ike Sinnema, Jaap Stienstra, Tjikke Titalepta-Poortman, Ronnie Titalepta, Martsje Valk, Hanneke Veltman, Grieteke van der Vlugt, Anneke de Vries, Anneke van der Wal, Gerry de Wal, Klaas van der Wey, Marijke Zandstra, Anne Zijlstra
Inclusivity and accessibility
Tryater feels it is important to be as accessible as possible to everyone. The foyer and the main and small auditoriums are easily accessible for those who have difficulty walking. When we perform on location, we recommend checking our website or that of the location for accessibility.
Many of our productions are accessible to the deaf or hard-of-hearing thanks to subtitles or smart glasses. This is indicated per production on the website. Tryater often selects a number of performances in the series for translation using subtitles or smart glasses.
Tryater aims to ensure that our perfomances are accessible for those who are blind or partially sighted. The foundation Komt het Zien! (Come and See!) helps to make it possible to follow a production when audiovisually impaired, thanks to live audio descriptions and meet & feel introductions. More information is available on www.komthetzien.nl