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This is us

This is us

We perform more than 235 shows per year for approximately 23,000 spectators

Tryater is the multilingual theatre company of Fryslân and is part of the national cultural basic infrastructure. The Frisian language has an obvious place in our performances. We play approximately 235 performances per year, for about 23,000 children, young people and adults. Throughout Fryslân. Our performances are polyphonic, inclusive and accessible: we want to be there for all residents of Fryslân.


Tatiana Pratley
Tatiana Pratley artistic director
Valentijn Fit
Valentijn Fit business director
Nina Thunnissen
Nina Thunnissen company dramaturge
Tineke Fopma
Tineke Fopma executive secretariat
Jelly Steenstra
Jelly Steenstra coördination business network
Johannes Keekstra
Johannes Keekstra communication manager
Rixt Bottema
Rixt Bottema tour planning, CRM and ticket sales coördination
Willemina de Jong
Willemina de Jong marketing & communication adult theater
Cristine Barends-Rotgans
Cristine Barends-Rotgans coordinator diversity & inclusion, marketing & communication youth theater
Annelies Visser
Annelies Visser DTP, marketer accessibility
Tsjerk Buruma
Tsjerk Buruma online marketing & communication
Meike Friemann
Meike Friemann DTP intern
Jeannette Boskma
Jeannette Boskma office assistant
Jannie van der Veen
Jannie van der Veen manager education
Anne Zijlstra
Anne Zijlstra education
Eline de Vries
Eline de Vries actor, education
Ekko de Bakker
Ekko de Bakker coordinator sustainability, production manager
Sigrid ter Voort
Sigrid ter Voort production manager
Nina Postma
Nina Postma coordinator international, production manager youth theater
Aart Laferte
Aart Laferte technical manager
Bart Schurer
Bart Schurer technique
Gerard Jorna
Gerard Jorna technique
Jan Bruinsma
Jan Bruinsma technique
Gido Bamboe
Gido Bamboe technique
Sigrid Jonker
Sigrid Jonker technique
Hilly Kronemeijer
Hilly Kronemeijer coordinator accessibility, facility services, volunteers coördination and production
Mara Scheffer
Mara Scheffer production employee accessibility
Myrna Sikkes
Myrna Sikkes domestic services
Lisa Ronner
Lisa Ronner domestic services
Joukje Bosch
Joukje Bosch coödination costume studio
Karel Hermans
Karel Hermans actor, coordinator talent development, theater creator
Aukje Schaafsma
Aukje Schaafsma actor, theater creator
Tamara Schoppert
Tamara Schoppert actor, director
Joop Wittermans
Joop Wittermans actor
Eva Meijering
Eva Meijering actor, director
Brecht Wassenaar
Brecht Wassenaar actor, theater teacher
Lourens van den Akker
Lourens van den Akker actor
Nynke Heeg
Nynke Heeg actor
Nick Renzo Garcia
Nick Renzo Garcia actor
Klaske Smid
Klaske Smid actor
Michaël Bloos
Michaël Bloos actor, director
Gerwin de Vries
Gerwin de Vries actor, theater teacher
Raymond Muller
Raymond Muller actor, text
Romke Gabe Draaijer
Romke Gabe Draaijer actor, theater teacher
Sjoerd Blom
Sjoerd Blom actor, education, theater teacher
Rik Witteveen
Rik Witteveen actor
Esther Ymkje van Steenis
Esther Ymkje van Steenis actor
Sam van Aken
Sam van Aken tryater young
Ilja Iris van Alfen
Ilja Iris van Alfen tryater young
Bjorn Bakker
Bjorn Bakker tryater young
Bouke Hofman
Bouke Hofman tryater young
Anne Fleur Jonker
Anne Fleur Jonker tryater young
Ingrid van der Meer
Ingrid van der Meer tryater young
Wieke Overzet
Wieke Overzet tryater young
Benjamin Prins
Benjamin Prins tryater young
Luna van Drunen
Luna van Drunen actor, theater teacher
Wessel de Vries
Wessel de Vries text
Mats Voshol
Mats Voshol music
Harmen Ridderbos
Harmen Ridderbos music
Laurens van der Meulen
Laurens van der Meulen music
Peter Sijbenga
Peter Sijbenga dramaturgy, musician, text, translator
Klaske Oenema
Klaske Oenema performing visual arts
Sjoeke-Marije Wallendal
Sjoeke-Marije Wallendal director
Janneke de Haan
Janneke de Haan director
Dinanda Luttikhedde
Dinanda Luttikhedde dramaturgy
Mathilde van der Hoop
Mathilde van der Hoop costumes
Calle de Hoog
Calle de Hoog scenographer
Willy van Assen
Willy van Assen dancer, dance creator
Johan van der Berg
Johan van der Berg finance (Scheffer Administraties)
Enny Breukel
Enny Breukel finance (Scheffer Administraties)
Karin Scheffer
Karin Scheffer salary administration

Freonen van Tryater board

Jelle Terwal (chairman), Anneke de Vries (secretary), Jan Visser (treasurer), Gerda Geerts, Wytse Algra, Johannes Keekstra (advisory member)

Supervisory board

Fred Veenstra (chairman), Theo Andreae, Joana Duarte, Hildegard Draaijer, Relinde Vos, Hendrikus Venema

Tweespraak & Station Noord

Luna van Drunen, Caya Emmelkamp, Tim Helderman, Maaike Meindertsma, Ids Tjaarda, Eva Koopmans, Michelle Samba, Rachel Schuit, Tom Tieman


Finny Andringa, Frans Bakker, Tineke Bleeker, Tini Boelen-Brouwer, Aukje Bosch, Joukje Bosch, Anna Marjan Bosma, Agnes Bouma, Yt Bouma, Peter de Bruin, Aukje de Bruin, Epko Dalstra, Joop Dammers, Boukje Dijkman, Els Fongers, Margje van Gelder, Sip van Gelder, Marjan Groen, Geertje Heeg-Folkerts, Harold Hesselink, Dora Hettinga, Baukje Idzerda-Venema, Aleida de Jong, Tytsje Julianus, Jantsje Kalsbeek-Nauta, Syb ten Kate, Fedde Knol, Berend Lania, Grieteke Martens-de Jong, Martinus Meindertsma, Akke Miedema-Tjallema, Oekie van der Molen, Betty Sinnema, Ike Sinnema, Jaap Stienstra, Tjikke Titalepta-Poortman, Ronnie Titalepta, Martsje Valk, Hanneke Veltman, Grieteke van der Vlugt, Anneke de Vries, Anneke van der Wal, Gerry de Wal, Klaas van der Wey, Marijke Zandstra, Anne Zijlstra


Inclusivity and accessibility

Tryater feels it is important to be as accessible as possible to everyone. The foyer and the main and small auditoriums are easily accessible for those who have difficulty walking. When we perform on location, we recommend checking our website or that of the location for accessibility.

Many of our productions are accessible to the deaf or hard-of-hearing thanks to subtitles or smart glasses. This is indicated per production on the website. Tryater often selects a number of performances in the series for translation using subtitles or smart glasses.  

Tryater aims to ensure that our perfomances are accessible for those who are blind or partially sighted. The foundation Komt het Zien! (Come and See!) helps to make it possible to follow a production when audiovisually impaired, thanks to live audio descriptions and meet & feel introductions. More information is available on www.komthetzien.nl

About Tryater

About Tryater

Tryater is part of the national cultural basic infrastructure. We play at every conceivable location in Friesland. Mainly in Frisian, but also in Dutch and other languages.

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Tryater has a beautiful foyer and two auditoria. If there are no productions or rehearsals, you can hire an auditorium.

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Tryater’s history takes us back to 1965 when the Fryske Toanielstifting (the Frisian theatre company) was founded. This makes it the oldest company in the country.

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