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Yn myn dreamen hear ik dy
Afbeelding van Winters Noorwegen
13 February

Yn myn dreamen hear ik dy

I hear you in my dreams
Premiere documentary FryslânDOK

On Thursday 13 February at 8:00 PM, the international documentary Yn myn dreamen hear ik dy (I hear you in my dreams) will premiere in the theater hall of Tryater in Leeuwarden; on Saturday 15 and 22 February, the film can be seen in two episodes on Dutch national television, on Sunday 16 and 23 February on the Frisian channel Omrop Fryslân. The film follows theater makers from three theater companies that work in a small language: Tryater from Friesland, Teatr Piba from Brittany and Kvääniteatteri from Northern Norway. You can attend the European premiere at Tryater if you register on time.

Watch the trailer here.

Foto van Murk Jaep van der Schaaf

For the FryslânDOK film, documentary maker Murk-Jaep van der Schaaf traveled to Leeuwarden, Brest and Storslett in 2024. Together with theatre makers Wessel de Vries, Christophe le Menn and Inger Birkelund, he explored their landscapes, their languages and their work. Van der Schaaf also followed their mutual exchanges, creative processes and especially their growing shared love for language and environment.

International contact through Phōnē
The collaboration between the three arose from the international project Phōnē, which connects theater companies that work in a minority language. The project, which was managed from Hamburg, was supported by the European Union for three years and was completed in December. Eight organisations – apart from those portrayed in the documentary, from Italy, Ireland, Spain, Romania and Germany – exchanged ideas within Phōnē about quality, quantity, writing, audience acquisition and accessibility of theater in minor languages.

The documentary will be shown in its entirety at Tryater on 13 February at 8:00 PM and afterwards there will be interviews with Murk-Jaep van der Schaaf, Wessel de Vries, Christophe le Menn and Inger Birkelund.

Book your free ticket for the premiere now!

Deze afbeelding heeft een leeg alt-attribuut; de bestandsnaam is Logo_Colour_blank.jpgDeze afbeelding heeft een leeg alt-attribuut; de bestandsnaam is EN-Co-funded-by-the-EU_POS-1920x403.jpgLogo Provincie Fryslan


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